How do I submit an assignment (online text only)

This video demonstrates how to submit an assignment with online text only using the Assignment activity (video coming soon).

When an assignment submission  is open, click on to the assignment.  This may be called an Action Plan or have another name in some courses. 

You will see an Add submission button. Click the Add submission button and enter your content into the text editor window.

It is recommended that you write this in Word or another text editor and then copy and paste it into the text editor window, in case you have any internet connectivity issues.

When you click Save changes, it will take you through to the next step before the final submission. 

You will see that the submission status is Draft. While the submission status is set to Draft you can still make edits by clicking Edit submission. 

Before you submit your assignment, you can also preview the online text you are going to submit. Once you are ready to submit, click on Submit assignment. 

Please make sure you click Continue to confirm your submission. For some assignments you may also have a checkbox to state that this is all your own work. 

You will know you have correctly submitted an assignment because your submission status will show Submitted for grading and be highlighted in green. You will also receive an email notification (please check in your spam folder).



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