How do I submit an assignment? (Fellowship Programmes)
Until an assignment submission is open, you will only be able to preview the submission information. When the assignment submission opens, the assignment will show it is in the Submission phase, which means you can upload your assignment.
Please provide your assignment submission with a title containing your name.
In the video example submission upload, you can only upload PDF files. When a Word file is uploaded, it is rejected. The assignment submission information will explain what file types are accepted.
In the video example you can upload a maximum number of 5 files with your submission. The assignment submission information will explain how many files you can upload.
If your file does not show up in the Attachment window instantly, either switch views from list to grid or click Save changes (you will be able to come back in to your assignment after saving).
When you have saved your submission, you can return to it to edit the submission or delete it up until the deadline.
When the assignment submission phase closes on the deadline, you will no longer be able to edit your assignment submission.
Your assignment may have an assessment phase where you are required to peer mark another participant. This will be covered in another screencast.
Accompanying screenshots
1. Assessment screen
2. Submission screen
If you cannot see your submission once uploaded, either switch views from list to grid or click 'save assignment'.
Once saved you can return to your submission to edit it up until the deadline